Rubik's Cube is a puzzle game that has been popular for several decades. Millions of people have tried to solve this complex 3D puzzle, but only a few have mastered it. For some people, solving Rubik's Cube is not just a hobby, but a competitive sport.

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Competitive Rubik's Cube solving, also known as speedcubing, is a global phenomenon that attracts thousands of participants every year. In this sport, competitors aim to solve the Rubik's Cube as quickly as possible. The competition is not only about speed, but also about skill, technique, and strategy.
Competitive Rubik's Cube solving has different categories based on the number of cubes and the type of puzzle used. The most popular category is the 3x3 Cube, which is the standard Rubik's Cube. The world record for solving this puzzle is 3.47 seconds, set by Yusheng Du from China in November 2018.
Apart from the 3x3 Cube, there are other categories like
Apart from the 3x3 Cube, there are other categories like 2x2 Cube, 4x4 Cube, 5x5 Cube, Megaminx, Pyraminx, and Skewb. Competitors have to solve these puzzles as quickly as possible, while adhering to certain rules and regulations.
To become a competitive Rubik's Cube solver, one needs to practice and develop their skills in solving the cube. There are various techniques and algorithms that one can learn to improve their speed and accuracy. There are also many online resources and communities that provide support, guidance, and information on competitions.
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The world of competitive Rubik's Cube solving is not only about winning and setting records, but also about community, fun, and passion. Many cubers enjoy the social aspect of the sport, and the opportunity to meet other enthusiasts from around the world.
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In conclusion, the fascinating world of competitive Rubik's Cube solving offers a unique and exciting challenge for those who love puzzles and want to test their skills against others. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, there are always new puzzles and techniques to learn, and new records to break.